The history and specifications of
the Aero Spacelines Guppy conversions are well covered on Daren
Savage's "All About Guppys" page.
B-52 tail gunners should make a point of visiting Gunner's
Web Site.
Check out some stories that convey the feel of
being a crew member on a B-52 in a way that only someone who has
been there can. Phil
Rowe was a D-model crewman and he has assembled some of his
personal stories on his web site. He has also flown on B-58
Hustlers and RF-4C Phantoms.
The Federation of
American Scientists has a page of Mystery
Aircraft which describes a number of black projects.
The F-106
Delta Dart is featured at Pat's World.
aims to recreate the days of Pan American Airways and their
Fabulous Flying Ships and aviations Golden Age 1934-1946.
Here you will learn about the 28 planes that changed the way we
travel and think about the world. Includes information on the
China Clipper and Boeing B-314 and a shop for related items.
Arthur Wiggins keeps track of surviving Ford Tri-Motors.
Clark Cook has created a
site devoted to the Grumman S-2 Tracker. The Tracker was utilized in
both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. The C-1 Trader, a variant
of the Tracker was utilized as a transport and carrier on
delivery (COD) aircraft.
Jorge Gazzola authors the Helicopter History Site which
covers the historical evolution of helicopters.
David Allison
hosts the Online Blackbird Museum, dedicated to all
things Blackbird.
McDonnell F3H Demon
Drivers web site
Michel Klaver in the Netherlands has a site devoted to the Phantom II.
Send a message to Brian.
Go to home page of the Goleta Air and Space Museum.
Edited July 5, 1998.