Spring Time in Saline Valley, March 2008 |
I spent four days in the Saline Valley in March 2008. The weather was as good as it gets. Lows were in the 50s, the highs were about 90. The wind was nearly nonexistent until the last afternoon.
Panamint Valley and Saline Valley Slideshow: Slideshow of scenery in Panamint Valley and Saline Valley in March 2008.
Panoramic view of Panamint Valley
The mountains started growing so recently that headward erosion has not reached the top of the drainages.
Ravens are the first thing heard every morning.
The Saline Valley is home to a great deal of military jet training and testing. I photographed several Super Hornets and Fighting Falcons during my stay.
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You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of California’s High Desert.
California High Desert locations include Owens Valley, Panamint Valley, Saline Valley and the Inyo Mountains.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Mojave Desert.
A dozen photos of the Mojave Desert. Locations include the Panamint Valley, the ghost town of Ballarat, the ghost town of Cerro Gordo, the Inyo Mountains, and the Saline Valley.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Saline and Panamint Valleys.
A dozen photos of the Saline and Panamint Valleys. The Saline Valley is a remote and beautiful part of Death Valley National Park. The primitive roads and utter lack of services make it one of the least visited parts of the park. I strongly recommend 4-wheel-drive, high-clearance vehicles to get there. We get a flat tire on nearly every trip. The Saline Valley is bounded on the west by the Inyo Mountains with peaks reaching over 11,000 feet. The bottom of the valley floor is at an elevation two miles below the peaks of the Inyos. The lowest pass out of the valley is almost 4,000 feet higher than the almost dry lakebed.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of Inyo County Mountains.
A dozen photos of mountainous terrain in Inyo County. Locations include:
Alabama Hills
Papoose Flat Road in the Inyo Mountains,
Hines Road in the Inyo Mountains,
Cerro Gordo in the Inyo Mountains,
Lee Flat, and
Hunter Mountain.
Put a copy of the Inyo County Mountains: 2020 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $14.95.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Basin and Range province in eastern California.
A dozen photos of the Basin and Range province in eastern California. Locations include:
Barber Point in the Inyo Mountains,
Papoose Flat in the Inyo Mountains,
Harkness Flat in the Inyo Mountains,
Panamint Valley,
Ballarat ghost town,
Owens Valley, and
Trona Pinnacles.
Put a copy of the California Basin and Range: 2020 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $14.95.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my very wide angle photographs of eastern California, from the Sierra Nevada to Death Valley. The photos are 9-1/2" x 13-1/2".
A dozen very wide angle 9-1/2" x 13-1/2" photographs of eastern California, from the Sierra Nevada to Death Valley.
Horseshoe Meadow
Owens Valley
Whitney Portal
Alabama Hills
Cerro Gordo
Holiday Mine, Inyo Mountains
Lee Flat
Ubehebe Crater
Racetrack Playa
Ulida Flat from Hunter Mountain
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my Little Planet photographs. The photos are 9-1/2" x 13-1/2".
A dozen 9-1/2" x 13-1/2" 360-degree panoramas wrapped in a circle to make little planets. Locations include Antelope Valley, Saline Valley, Hunter Mountain, Racetrack Playa, Horseshoe Meadow, and the Inyo Mountains.
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