Delta II Launch, October 18, 2001 |
(Download a higher resolution picture by clicking on any
picture below.)
The Digital Globe Quickbird II
satellite was launched on a Delta-II-7320-10 at 11:51 on the
morning of October 18, 2001.
Quickbird II uses the Ball Global
Imaging System 2000 to produce commercial high resolution earth
imagery and multi-spectral data. The launch is seen here from the
Santa Ynez Mountains above Santa Barbara.
Winds aloft quickly twisted the
exhaust trail. West Camino Cielo Road can be seen winding along
the crest of the SantaYnez Mountains.
Link to Digital Globe's page about the launch.
Link to the Ball Global Imaging System 2000 page.
Link to the Delta II Product Page of the Boeing Company.
to the Delta II Fact Sheet of the 45th Space Wing of Patrick Air Force
Link to the U. S. Air Force Delta II Fact Sheet.
Link to the home page of the 30th
Space Wing
Call the Vandenberg Air Force Base Launch Hotline at (805) 606-1857 for current launch schedule information.
Link to the NASA rocket launch manifest
For national and international space coverage visit
Brian Webb's Rawhide Space Page provides launch schedule and ham radio information.
Send a message to Brian.
Go to home page of the Goleta Air and Space Museum.
Edited November 22, 2000.