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Santa Ynez Mountains, California

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July 30, 1990: Air Tankers over Santa Barbara County

Air Tankers over Santa Barbara County, July 30, 1990 Fifteen years ago, a plume of dense smoke erupted over the Santa Ynez Mountains on the afternoon of July 30, 1990. Several large air tankers fought the fire in the Santa Ynez Valley from the Goleta Tanker Station.

August 15, 2002: Tankers fight the Camino Fire

Tankers fight the Camino Fire on the crest of the Santa Ynez Mountains, August 15, 2002 The Camino Fire broke out on the crest of the Santa Ynez Mountains above Santa Barbara on August 15, 2002. I shot pictures of three helicopters, a Grumman S-2 Tracker, and a Douglas DC-4 fighting the fire.

Camino Cielo, the Road in the Sky, October 21, 2004

Camino Cielo, the Road in the Sky

On Thursday, October 21, I shot a series of panoramas along the length of East Camino Cielo on the crest of the Santa Ynez Mountains above Goleta and Santa Barbara. Camino Cielo features many sweeping vistas of the Santa Barbara Channel and the San Rafael Wilderness.

International Space Station over Goleta, August 9, 2005

International Space Station The International Space Station streaked across the sky as Discovery's double sonic boom rocked the south coast of Santa Barbara County this morning at 5:10 PDT. The space shuttle was not hot enough to be incandescent or high enough to reflect the sun.

Zaca Fire, August 2007

Zaca Fire I have assembled a collection of my still photos and time-lapse videos of the Zaca Fire.

Lightning in the Santa Ynez Valley, August 30, 2007

Lightning in the Santa Ynez Valley, August 30, 2007 Several thundercells blew across western Santa Barbara County early in the morning on Thursday, August 30.

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