Hummingbirds |
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It's the time of year when the Anna's Hummingbirds return to Goleta. An assertive male is establishing his territory in the back yard.
He made his presence known by making many noisy circuits around the yard at very high speed. Then he perched in the apricot tree and flared the feathers of his facial gorget.
There is no red pigment in the feathers of the gorget. The red color is the product of irridescense. The structure of the feathers features layers of the thickness of a specific wavelength of red light, which is preferentially reflected while other colors are absorbed..
The Hummingbird can flare the gorget to enhance the effect.
I think these are all Anna's Hummingbirds.
You can buy a 2020 Calendar featuring my photographs of Hummingbirds.
A dozen highly magnified views tiny Anna's Hummingbirds cavorting in mid-air.
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