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Natural History and Special Subject 2010 Calendars

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Calendars are printed borderless in full color on 100# stock. They are coil bound.

My calendars are printed on demand by Lulu.com. When you select one, it is placed in your Lulu.com shopping cart. When you place your order, the items are produced, packaged, and shipped directly to you.

Santa Barbara and Goleta

2010 Calendar

Deluxe Edition

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Santa Barbara and Goleta landmarks. The photos are 9-1/2" x 13-1/2".

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Santa Barbara and Goleta

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Santa Barbara and Goleta

A dozen 9-1/2" x 13" very wide angle photos of landmarks in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California. Santa Barbara locations include: Court House, Train Depot, Harbor, Waterfront Center, and Mission. Goleta locations include: Stowe House, Stowe Grove, Pier, and Train Depot.

Buy my 
Little Planets: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Santa Barbara and Goleta: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $28.95.

Santa Barbara and Goleta

2010 Calendar

Standard Edition

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Santa Barbara and Goleta landmarks. The photos are 8-1/2" x 11".

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Santa Barbara and Goleta

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Santa Barbara and Goleta

A dozen 8-1/2" x 11" very wide angle photos of landmarks in Santa Barbara and Goleta, California. Santa Barbara locations include: Court House, Train Depot, Harbor, Waterfront Center, and Mission. Goleta locations include: Stowe House, Stowe Grove, Pier, and Train Depot.

Buy my 
Santa Barbara and Goleta: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Santa Barbara and Goleta: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Little Planets

2010 Calendar

Deluxe Edition

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my Little Planet photographs. The photos are 9-1/2" x 13-1/2".

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Little Planets

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Little Planets

A dozen 9-1/2" x 13-1/2" 360-degree panoramas wrapped in a circle to make little planets. Locations include Antelope Valley, Saline Valley, Hunter Mountain, Racetrack Playa, Horseshoe Meadow, and the Inyo Mountains.

Buy my 
Little Planets: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Little Planets: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $22.95.

Wide Open Spaces of California

2010 Calendar

Deluxe Edition

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my very wide angle photographs of eastern California, from the Sierra Nevada to Death Valley. This is a larger calendar than my previous offerings. The photos are 9-1/2" x 13-1/2".

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Wide Open Spaces of California

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Wide Open Spaces of California

A dozen very wide angle 9-1/2" x 13-1/2" photographs of eastern California, from the Sierra Nevada to Death Valley.

Horseshoe Meadow
Owens Valley
Whitney Portal
Alabama Hills
Cerro Gordo
Holiday Mine, Inyo Mountains
Lee Flat
Ubehebe Crater
Racetrack Playa
Ulida Flat from Hunter Mountain
Buy my 
Little Planets: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Wide Open Spaces of California: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $22.95.

Antelope Valley Wildflowers

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Antelope Valley wildflowers.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antelope Valley Wildflowers

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antelope Valley Wildflowers

A dozen photos of wildflowers blooming in the Antelope Valley in April 2008.

Buy my 
Antelope Valley Wildflowers: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Antelope Valley Wildflowers: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Fire Clouds

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of pyrocumulus clouds over the Zaca Fire in Santa Barbara County in August 2007.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Fire Clouds

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Fire Clouds

A dozen photos of pyrocumulus clouds over the Zaca Fire in Santa Barbara County in August 2007.

Buy my Fire Clouds: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Fire Clouds: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Inyo County Mountains

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Inyo County Mountains.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Inyo County Mountains

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Inyo County Mountains

A dozen photos of mountainous terrain in Inyo County. Locations include:

Alabama Hills
Papoose Flat Road in the Inyo Mountains,
Hines Road in the Inyo Mountains,
Cerro Gordo in the Inyo Mountains,
Lee Flat, and
Hunter Mountain.

Buy my Inyo County Mountains: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Inyo County Mountains: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

California Basin and Range

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Basin and Range province in eastern California.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California Basin and Range

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California Basin and Range

A dozen photos of the Basin and Range province in eastern California. Locations include:

Barber Point in the Inyo Mountains,
Papoose Flat in the Inyo Mountains,
Harkness Flat in the Inyo Mountains,
Panamint Valley,
Ballarat ghost town,
Owens Valley, and
Trona Pinnacles.

Buy my California Basin and Range: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the California Basin and Range: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Bryce Canyon

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Bryce Canyon.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Bryce Canyon

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Bryce Canyon

A dozen photos of Bryce Canyon.

Buy my Bryce Canyon: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Bryce Canyon: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Antarctic Landscapes

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Antarctic Landscapes.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antarctic Landscapes

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antarctic Landscapes

A dozen photos of Antarctic Landscapes. Locations include:

Cape Wild and Cape Lookout on Elephant Island,
Paulet Island,
the Weddell Sea,
Neko Harbor in Andvord Bay on the Antarctic Peninsula, and
Deception Island.

Buy my Antarctic Landscapes 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Antarctic Landscapes 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Antarctic Seals

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of seals taken in Antarctica.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antarctic Seals

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Antarctic Seals

A dozen photos of seals in Antarctica. Seals pictured include:
Antarctic Fur
Southern Elephant.

Locations include:
Cape Lookout on Elephant Island
Deception island
Livingstone Island
Antarctic Sound.

Buy my Antarctic Seals 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Antarctic Seals 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Birds of the South Atlantic and Antarctica

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of birds taken in the Falkland Islands and the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Birds of the South Atlantic and Antarctica

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Birds of the South Atlantic and Antarctica

A dozen photos of birds taken in the Falkland Islands South Shetland Islands in Antarctica. Birds pictured include:
Southern Giant Petrel
Black Browed Albatross
Falklands Skua
Blue-Eyed Shag (King Cormorant)
Black Crowned Night Heron
Patagonia Duck
Pied Oystercatcher
Snowy Sheathbill
Cape Petrel
Kelp Gull.

Buy my Birds of the South Atlantic and Antarctica 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Birds of the South Atlantic and Antarctica 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.


2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of penguins taken in Antarctica and the Falkland Islands.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Penguins

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Penguins

A dozen pictures of penguins taken in Antarctica and the Falkland Islands. Penguin species pictured include:

Locations where the photographs were taken in the Falkland Islands include:
New Island
Carcass Island
Volunteer Point.

Antarctic locations include:
Paulet Island
Cape Lookout on Elephant Island. Buy my Penguins 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Penguins 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Phases of the Moon

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Moon.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Phases of the Moon

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Phases of the Moon

A dozen photographs of the Moon illustrating its changing face as it revolves around the Earth. Two photos were exposed to reveal the dark side of the Moon illuminated by sunlight reflected from the Earth. A multiple-exposure of the totally eclipsed Moon taken on October 27, 2004 shows the Moon moving through the shadow of the Earth. A second multiple exposure shows a total lunar eclipse on August 28, 2007. Exposures were made every four minutes as the Earth's rotation carried the Moon across the filed of view.

Buy my Phases of the Moon: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Phases of the Moon: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.


2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of Hummingbirds.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Hummingbirds

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Hummingbirds

A dozen highly magnified views tiny Anna's Hummingbirds cavorting in mid-air.

Buy my Hummingbirds: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Hummingbirds: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

California Wildflowers

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of California wildflowers.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California wildfowers

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California wildfowers

A dozen photographs of California wildflowers. Flowers pictured include:
California Poppies
Owl's Clover
Joshua Tree
Indian Paintbrush
Joshua Tree.

The locations of the flower photos include:
Antelope Valley
Figueroa Mountain
Panamint Mountains.

Buy my California Wildfowers: 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the California Wildfowers: 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

California High Desert

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of California’s High Desert.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California High Desert

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: California High Desert

California High Desert locations include Owens Valley, Panamint Valley, Saline Valley and the Inyo Mountains.

Buy my California High Desert 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the California High Desert 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Saline and Panamint Valleys

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of the Saline and Panamint Valleys.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Saline and Panamint Valleys

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Saline and Panamint Valleys

A dozen photos of the Saline and Panamint Valleys. The Saline Valley is a remote and beautiful part of Death Valley National Park. The primitive roads and utter lack of services make it one of the least visited parts of the park. I strongly recommend 4-wheel-drive, high-clearance vehicles to get there. We get a flat tire on nearly every trip. The Saline Valley is bounded on the west by the Inyo Mountains with peaks reaching over 11,000 feet. The bottom of the valley floor is at an elevation two miles below the peaks of the Inyos. The lowest pass out of the valley is almost 4,000 feet higher than the almost dry lakebed.

Buy my Saline and Panamint Valleys 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Saline and Panamint Valleys 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.


2010 Calendar

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Lightning

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Lightning

Whenever I see the flash of lightning outside, I grab my camera and a tripod and go out in the rain. You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of lightning taken in California and Arizona.

Buy my Lightning 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Lightning 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

Steam Locomotives

2010 Calendar

You can buy a 2010 Calendar featuring my photographs of steam locomotives.

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Steam Locomotives

Lockett Books Calendar Catalog: Steam Locomotives

Steam locomotives photographed in California and Colorado include:
Eureka Skunk Train #45
Durango-Silverton #478 K-28 Narrow-gauge
Sierra Shay No 2
Santa Fe #3751
Union Pacific Challenger #3985.

Buy my Steam Locomotives 2010 Calendar at Lulu! Put a copy of the Steam Locomotives 2010 Calendar in your Lulu.com shopping cart for $16.95.

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